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Azbus - Graphics and animations design studio
  Author: ZeuS, 15-04-2015, 15:15 | Views: 35 699 | Comments: 38

Description: Different from its cartoon-looking predecessor ToonMaker,ToonMaker 2 provides users with 6 customizable upper and lower base meshes in 2 typical comical body types: Stretchy and Chubby.
Vast amounts of possible role settings can be achieved by combining animatable fun accessories with these contradictory body shapes. This mighty useful tool, ToonMaker 2, can surely add humorous touches to your office comics, or it can help spice up your business presentations and training videos.
Pack includes:
Character Bases x 15 (Chubby, Stretchy, variety of Mesh Bases of Upper, Lower and Shoe)
Facial Feature x 40 (Eyes, Eyebrows, Ears, Beard and Nose)
Character Accessories x 25 (Hair and Accessories)
Outfit x 31 (Upper, Lower, Shoes and Glove)
Face Materials x 7 (Lip Colors)
BONUS: 1 Accessory, 7 Materials for Face Skin, 2 Puppet Profiles

Tags: Toon Combo Characters Accessories Faces Materials

  Author: ZeuS, 12-04-2015, 12:12 | Views: 29 620 | Comments: 92

Description: In contrast to other iClone Motion Libraries, made with motion capture, the Cartoon Motion pack is meticulously created by professional animators using key-frame animation techniques. This sort of motion creation technique provides authentic cartoon-style motions which perfectly fit any stylized characters such as Mr. Pose, Jimmy Toon, Toon Maker characters and others. You can even use it on iClone Standard characters to give them a bit of a more cartoon-like presence.
Pack includes: 152 Motions

Tags: Motions Toon Combo

  Author: ZeuS, 11-04-2015, 11:11 | Views: 9 223 | Comments: 26

Description: This Pack contains two Toon Egg Avatars and a demo project. The characters are supplied as non-standard characters pre-programmed to respond to Avatar Controller commands.
Pack includes: 1 Project, 2 Characters

Modified: ZeuS, 27-05-2020, 13:59

Tags: Projects Characters Toon Easter

  Author: ZeuS, 11-04-2015, 11:11 | Views: 9 505 | Comments: 39

Description: Toon Rabbit for Stretchy.
Pack includes: 1 Character

Tags: Characters Toon Easter

  Author: ZeuS, 11-04-2015, 11:11 | Views: 12 542 | Comments: 56

Description: Have you ever seen a fantastic village like this? There are many items here you can use for video, ibook, live wallpaper or game... By special Easter Items which just only appear in this pack, I am sure you can create an unique 3D environment.
Pack includes: 1 Project (with over 100 Props)

Tags: Props Easter Toon

  Author: ZeuS, 11-04-2015, 11:11 | Views: 12 742 | Comments: 67

Description: The Character is presented as G5 Non-Standard Avatar with persona so that you can apply regular iClone motions and have him moves just like you would do for Chuck and Gwynn. The character includes no less than 43 Embedded Morph Targets to handle a wide range of Phonemes and Facial expressions. Furthermore, the Facial expressions Morphs are mapped to individual 3DX Custom profiles accessible from the iClone Puppeteering Panel and also from the Avatar Toolkit Controller Panel for maximum user experience.
Pack includes: 1 Character

Modified: ZeuS, 14-06-2020, 19:42

Tags: Characters Toon

  Author: ZeuS, 6-04-2015, 04:04 | Views: 11 666 | Comments: 32

Description: The Medieval Farm pack takes a quaint view of medieval farm life, containing props to make a full farming village setting with 11 buildings including blacksmith, stable, carpenters, village home dwellings and Tavern. The pack also comes with a terrain base, 2 bushes and 19 Farming props including beehives, pen, straw bale, straw mound, wells, logs, log piles and 5 farming vehicles.
In order to retain the highest level of quality for individual items, several Textures are provided in their native 4096x4096 pixel format. You may want to reduce some of them should you require to load a large number of items in the same scene. Polygon count ranges from 3K to 10K for most items.
Pack includes: 33 Props (11 Buildings, 2 Bushes, 8 Farming Props, 6 Logs, 1 Terrain, 5 Vehicles)

Modified: ZeuS, 28-12-2021, 13:04

Tags: Medieval Props Worldbuilder

  Author: ZeuS, 1-04-2015, 01:02 | Views: 35 448 | Comments: 61
Animal World 5 IN 1 Collection

Animal World Vol. 1, 2 & 3 provide a number of domestic life animals each with their own typical motions. Easily apply different types of animals to your scenes and create rich videos with more details. Make your animal film comes alive.
Animal World Vol. 4 & 5 provide a number of fierce animals, each with their own motions. These packs include vegetated 3D scenes, that will may make your African safari a complete success!

Modified: ZeuS, 17-11-2019, 18:28

Tags: Creature Base Animals Characters Props Accessories Motions Collection

  Author: ZeuS, 30-03-2015, 03:03 | Views: 15 475 | Comments: 53
iClone Combo Pack - EZ Sets Space Model

Description: This is new Space Model for iClone 3D which consist of 2 Project files for hosting Cockpit and Deep Space Scenes, one G5 Avatar for representing Male and Female Aliens, a fully animated Solar System including highly detailed planets, particle based Star and Asteroid systems and 3 spaceships with particle based engines.
Each planet of the Solar system actually follows a near accurate representation of its relative Orbit around the Sun with texture sizes ranging from 2K and Up. The Earth has an additional animated cloud layer and a Moon.
Pack includes: 2 Projects, 2 Characters, 5 Props

Tags: Projects Props Characters Sci-Fi EZ Sets

  Author: ZeuS, 29-03-2015, 15:15 | Views: 12 257 | Comments: 35

Description: This stunning set of high resolution rocks can be rotated, scaled and pushed together to create crisp, high quality environments. They can be blended perfectly into your terrain scenes to create more realism. Each rock has it's own 2048 diffuse and normal map.
Pack includes: 6 Props

Tags: Props Rocks

  Author: ZeuS, 29-03-2015, 13:13 | Views: 10 030 | Comments: 24

Description: This pack Contains a Complete Pre-Assembled Castle with tremendous character; part home, part stronghold including walkways and tower plus 3 highly detailed Keep Buildings.
Pack includes: 4 Props

Modified: ZeuS, 28-12-2021, 13:04

Tags: Props Medieval Worldbuilder

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