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Azbus - Graphics and animations design studio
  Author: ZeuS, 30-03-2023, 13:13 | Views: 2 523 | Comments: 9
Bone Piles Collection

LowPoly Bone Piles Collection for your horror, fantasy or realistic scenes!
Package Contains:
1) Mamonth Bones + Poses + Piles
2) Buffalo Bones + Poses + Piles
3) Big Bones + Piles
Pack includes: 92 Props

Tags: Props Fantasy LowPoly

  Author: ZeuS, 27-12-2022, 20:20 | Views: 1 875 | Comments: 10
HQ Fantasy Battle Arena

High quality fantasy medieval battle arena with simple modularity, perfect for medieval or fantasy style projects.
It is supplied as an iClone project with several camera placements and advanced lighting set up for best visual experience in iClone. All props are sub-props that can be moved/deleted to your liking. You also get all the single props for adding to the scene or for use in your own projects.
Pack includes: 1 Project, 17 Props

Tags: Projects Props Medieval Fantasy

  Author: ZeuS, 25-12-2022, 14:14 | Views: 1 911 | Comments: 8
Top-Down Barbarian Camp (LowPoly)

LowPoly Top-Down Barbarian Camp for your fantasy, horror or post-apocalyptic projects!
Number of Meshes: 107
Triangle/Vertex Count: 30-150(Small Objects), 300-500(Middle Objects), 10000+(for Tents)
Textures: 1024x1024-2048x2048 Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, Opacity.
Pack includes: 107 Props

Tags: Props Scenes Fantasy LowPoly

  Author: ZeuS, 25-12-2022, 12:12 | Views: 1 903 | Comments: 9
Top-Down Primal Settlement (LowPoly)

LowPoly Top-Down Primal Settlement for your fantasy, horror or post-apocalyptic projects!
Number of Meshes: 158
Triangle/Vertex Count: 30-150(Small Objects), 300-500(Middle Objects), 10000+(for Large Objects)
Bone Piles:
1) Mamonth Bones + Poses + Piles
2) Buffalo Bones + Poses + Piles
3) Big Bones + Piles
1) Mamonth - 19988/9822
2) Buffalo - 13116/6520
3) Big Bones - 1346/695
Textures: 2048x2048 Albedo, Normal, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, Opacity + 2048x2048 - Ground Texture
Pack includes: 159 Props

Tags: Props Scenes Fantasy LowPoly

  Author: ZeuS, 14-09-2022, 09:09 | Views: 2 682 | Comments: 18
Cave Creator Kit

The Cave Creator Kit is absolutely fantastic value with the number of props included. Not only does it come with several cave sections to create complex paths and tunnels, but it also has numerous other props to set the mood such as glowing candles, glowing mushrooms, unique rocks plus wood plank and crates. It also comes with a cave door and frame, allowing you to animate the door opening and closing on the timeline. The sections included allow you to construct complex mazes of tunnels. Also included are three Rooms, larger for a bigger set to advance your story in your underground lair.
Add the candle groupings and mushrooms to really create a mysterious atmosphere.
Some Props include a Lower Poly version to save on computer resources.
Pack includes: 46 Props

Tags: Props Fantasy

  Author: ZeuS, 14-08-2022, 09:09 | Views: 3 130 | Comments: 17
Fantasy Orcs Bundle

This Combo Bundle includes the following Fantasy Creatures: CENTAUR, FUNGOID, MINOTAUR, UNDERTAKER, HELLROT and GARGOYLE.
Each pack contains a Creature plus high-quality Motions. The Creature is supplied both as a Non-Human Avatar and as an iClone Prop with embedded animations.
Each Character use high quality texture maps and a very small polygon count providing excellent visual quality for close-up shots. The Prop version of the Character provides additional functionalities such as the capability to use the multi-duplicate iClone feature and the capability to apply key frames to the scaling of bones which may be required by some of the provided custom animations.
Pack includes: 6 Characters, 176 Motions, 11 Props

Tags: Characters Motions Props Combo Bundle Fantasy

  Author: ZeuS, 20-05-2022, 10:10 | Views: 3 702 | Comments: 16
Medieval Fantasy Creatures Bundle

The Creatures is supplied both as a Non-Human Avatar and as an iClone Prop with embedded animations.
Each Character use high quality texture maps and a very small polygon count providing excellent visual quality for close-up shots. The Prop version of the Character provides additional functionalities such as the capability to use the multi-duplicate iClone feature and the capability to apply key frames to the scaling of bones which may be required by some of the provided custom animations.
Pack includes: 13 Characters, 197 Motions, 36 Props, 23 Accessories

Tags: Medieval Characters Motions Fantasy Bundle

  Author: ZeuS, 13-05-2022, 13:13 | Views: 4 868 | Comments: 14
Dwarf Agvid Dwarf Bedvar Dwarf Broddi Dwarf King Dwarf Orme

This Pack contains Collection of Dwarfs Characters for iClone plus high quality Motions and different Props (Bottle, Cup, Forceps, Axes, Hammers, Blades, Stithy, Stump, Swords, Hobnail and others). The characters is provided as a non-standard human characters for iClone compatible with iClone standard human motions. The Characters also features spring bones for the beards and soft cloths.
Each Character uses high quality PBR shader maps and a very small polygon count providing excellent visual quality for close-up shots.
Pack includes: 5 Characters, 463 Motions, 23 Props

Tags: Characters Motions Props Fantasy Collection

  Author: ZeuS, 5-01-2022, 15:15 | Views: 3 763 | Comments: 20
Beast Cactus Monster Flying Golem Flying Insect Forest Guard Hell Monster Hunter

This bundle contains 7 fantasy creatures (Beast, Cactus Monster, Flying Golem, Flying Insect, Forest Guard, Hell Monster and Hunter) with high-quality custom motions. The Creatures is supplied both as a Non-Human Avatar and as an iClone Prop with embedded animations.
Each creature use high quality texture maps and a very small polygon count providing excellent visual quality for close-up shots. The Prop version of the Creature provides additional functionalities such as the capability to use the multi-duplicate iClone feature and the capability to apply key frames to the scaling of bones which may be required by some of the provided custom animations.
Pack includes: 7 Characters, 7 Props, 90 Motions

Tags: Characters Props Motions Fantasy Bundle

  Author: ZeuS, 5-01-2022, 12:12 | Views: 3 506 | Comments: 22
RPG Fellowship Barbarian RPG Fellowship Bear RPG Fellowship Dwarf Warrior RPG Fellowship Orc RPG Fellowship Warrior

This bundle contains fellowship of characters (Barbarian, Bear, Dwarf Warrior, Orc and Warrior) for iClone with high-quality motions. The Characters are supplied as a Non-Standard Avatars compatibles with iClone Standard Motions and also as a Props with Embedded Animations. The Props version of the Characters provides additional functionalities such as the capability to use the multi-duplicate iClone feature and the capability to apply key frames to the scaling of bones which may be required by some of the provided custom animations.
Pack includes: 5 Characters, 5 Props, 72 Motions

Tags: Characters Props Motions Fantasy Bundle

  Author: ZeuS, 26-05-2020, 10:10 | Views: 10 274 | Comments: 70

Description: Few kinds of fantasy plants for your project. Each kind of plants have few different meshes. Grayscale vertex color for your ability to animate wind by shader.
Pack includes: 162 Props, 12 Materials

Modified: ZeuS, 26-05-2020, 15:53
Reason: + Fantasy Plants 4

Tags: Props Bundle Fantasy Materials

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