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TurboBit Premium

HitFile Premium

Azbus - Graphics and animations design studio
  Author: ZeuS, 31-01-2025, 13:13 | Views: 1 704 | Comments: 5

Dear Users!
In November 2024, an accident occurred on Turbobit (and Hitfile) servers. A lot of the uploaded files have been lost and need to be re-upload.
If you are faced with the inaccessibility of any files, do not be shy, contact me (in PM or comments to the post).
Please be patient... I'm already working on re-uploading of content. Thank you!
Your Zeus

Tags: INFO

  Author: ZeuS, 1-10-2023, 01:01 | Views: 126 611 | Comments: 452

UPD - 01.10.2023 (NO ANY PERIODS) !!!

Read a must!

Tags: F.A.Q. INFO

  Author: ZeuS, 6-06-2022, 06:06 | Views: 13 815 | Comments: 39
Buhta.WS Telegram Channel

Buhta.WS Telegram Channel

My Telegram contact

My Telegram channel and personal Telegram contact is given for users can keep in touch with me in case of any blocking!

Tags: INFO

  Author: ZeuS, 1-01-2022, 00:00 | Views: 2 120 | Comments: 20
New Year 2022
Happy New 2022 Year !
May 2022 be better and kinder!
May all your dreams come true!
Health to you and your loved ones!
Yours, ZeuS

Tags: New Year

  Author: ZeuS, 27-12-2021, 09:09 | Views: 2 101 | Comments: 4

Dear friends! I would like to share with you some updates on the site:

- Redesign download buttons. More stylish and informative.
- Fixed errors in the markup of the site, now the site is fully verify validator.w3.org
- The website template has been updated: errors found have been fixed, the appearance and usability have been improved.
- In each post there is an opportunity to share on social networks! Use it - it will help promote the site!
- Each of your clicks on advertising helps the site financially! It's not difficult for you to click the mouse a couple of extra times, is it?
- Do you have your own YouTube channel and use my releases and/or content? Don't be lazy to mention the Buhta.WS in the description of the video, I will be pleased!
- Did you like the post? Do not forget to rate it (left-below in every post)!
- Русскоговорящим пользователям напоминаю - вы можете переключить язык интерфейса сайта на русский, кликнув на иконку Российского флага в разделе "Language | Язык" (в левой колонке сайта). Язык новостей при этом, останется на английском - поскольку, все таки, большинство пользователей именно англоговорящие. Но тут не должно (я надеюсь) возникнуть сложностей с пониманием публикаций, да и переводчики никто не отменял...

And I will be grateful for your feedback in the comments...

Tags: News

  Author: ZeuS, 27-03-2020, 03:03 | Views: 10 549 | Comments: 235

I regret to inform you that on 25 March 2020, my best friend and partner MaddMaxx died!
It's very hard! I have no words!
There were a lot of plans and projects for the future!
I am broken and do not know what to do!
He did a lot for all of us!
R.I.P my dear friend, MaddMaxx!!!


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