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Author: ZeuS, 22-03-2022, 03:03 | Views: 292 | Comments: 7
This Learning Sample Library is designed to demonstrate how to utilize the PopcornFX Super Tools for real-life applications. Click on the particle dummy to inspect the included resource files and attribute settings, or learn to modify them for unique innovations. Pack includes: 109 Particles Effects, 13 Props Author: ZeuS, 22-03-2022, 03:03 | Views: 278 | Comments: 4
This beautiful library is licensed directly from Persistant Studios - the original PopcornFX designers, and it has been especially compiled by the Reallusion team to showcase powerful combined effects and versatility when using the PopcornFX Editor. MAGIC: From fantasy to sci-fi, from game to storytelling, the power of magic has never been overlooked. With these magical effects you can cast magnetic lighting spells, hypnotize with ribbon fluxes, or even customize your own trailing demons from 3D meshes. NATURE: A flickering flame or volumetric smoke can easily replicate our natural world in 3D, helping you bring any animation to life. You can spawn ants and butterflies which can stay on a designated mesh, scatter disturbed leaves on paths, or shed realistic rain with bouncing droplets and ripples. WEAPONS and EXPLOSIVES: Creating impactful action scenes cannot be done without weapons & explosives. Try these explosive effects and combine them with firearms complete with muzzle flashes, bullet projectiles, vortexes, bullet holes and bouncing debris; or generate heavy explosions that bounce things away with burning ashes. VFX: These VFX utilities make any mesh or image, instantly perform particle wonders. From Digital Timers, Dynamic Music Props, to Melting Meshes and Bokeh lens effects, there is so much more you can now do with these particles. Pack includes: 41 Particles Effects, 1 Prop Author: ZeuS, 20-03-2022, 03:03 | Views: 252 | Comments: 8
This is a new iClone tool that uses tiles with photogrammetric seamless textures, to create photorealistic terrains. The pack provides: - 1 x Tile master prop with 64x64 surface tessellation and embedded morphs. - 1 x Tile master prop with 32x32 surface tessellation and embedded morphs. - 40 x 4K resolution terrain iMaterials with three seamless variations for each texture. (120 iMaterials) - 40 x 2K resolution terrain iMaterials with three seamless variations for each texture. (120 iMaterials) - 6 x 4K resolution path iMaterials with three seamless variations for each texture. (18 iMaterials) - 6 x 2K resolution path iMaterials with three seamless variations for each texture. (18 iMaterials) - 1 x Python script to create and edit groups of tiles to create terrain areas. - 20 x rock shapes - 4 x bedrock shapes - 2 x special shapes with morphs to create cliffs and grounds. The textures have been created from real photographic images, obtaining a high level of realism. The displacement maps included in the iMaterials provide volume to the terrains while keeping a reasonable number of polygons in the scene. Linked materials reduce graphic memory use, while two levels of tessellation and texture resolution allow you to choose the right option in each occasion. (64x64 and 4K) for close ups, (32x32 and 2K) for large terrains that don’t require close camera views. Both groups can be combined in the same project. Pack includes: Nature Terrain Generator Plug-In + Nature Terrain Generator Content Pack Tags: Terrains Author: ZeuS, 20-02-2022, 12:12 | Views: 4 392 | Comments: 13
Pack includes multiple props to help you quickly set up a scene of ruins or apocalyptic/deserted area. Pack includes rubble, rock, vegetation, concrete wall and fences, playground pieces, statues and other assorted items to add to the apocalyptic atmosphere. Also useful for decorating other similar sets that could benefit from more aged and ruined items to compliment the look. Pack includes: 38 Props Author: ZeuS, 14-02-2022, 12:12 | Views: 3 205 | Comments: 17
Highest quality modern classic interior pack including complete interior scene and about 50 different furniture models. This pack ready for interactions (openable doors, drawers, etc.). Features: - Included Complete Interior Scene Project (3 Different Rooms - Rooms can be used separately or together). Project comes set up with several cameras placed, along with advanced lighting for best visual experience. - Props are sub-props that can be moved/deleted to your preference. - About 50 Different Furniture Objects - Perfect for Animation (openable doors, drawers, etc.) - PBR Setup. - You also get all the single props for adding to the scene or for use in your own projects. Pack includes: 2 Projects, 42 Props, 1 HDRI Map Note: To use camera zoom, pan or orbit keys, first change camera to "Preview". Author: ZeuS, 9-02-2022, 14:14 | Views: 2 665 | Comments: 16
This pack contains a wide variety of unique content items that allow you to construct your very own ancient Chinese village. The design of this pack is taken from the towns in Jiangnan, China, which is renowned for its astonishing scenery and exquisite traditional buildings. A collection of ground system props allow you to assemble your own custom base. The Chinese Riverside Town pack also includes a variety of unique buildings like a bungalow house, a monument, and even a restaurant with multiple customizable levels! Furthermore, we have included the doors and objects of some buildings and all the carts as separate sub-props, so users can move, rotate, show, or hide the related objects according to their filming needs. Pack includes: 62 Props, 1 Grass, 1 Face Tags: Props City Elements Author: ZeuS, 9-02-2022, 12:12 | Views: 2 518 | Comments: 13
Once beautiful and full of robust greenery, this garden paradise has sadly been abandoned and neglected. Great for horror or mysterious stories with many different greenhouses, paths and props. It comes supplied as multiple scene parts, including the terrain and as each is loaded to the stage, will form a full scene as shown in promos. Also supplied are all the single props adding to this scene or for use in your own projects. Pack includes: 145 Props Author: ZeuS, 8-02-2022, 10:10 | Views: 4 941 | Comments: 16
Author: ZeuS, 8-02-2022, 10:10 | Views: 85 | Comments: 2
This Pack contains 8 flat Characters for Cartoon Animator 4: 4 females and 4 males, which you can apply both the G3 front and side facing movements to them. Also Family Characters are designed to work with facial puppeteering. Each Character contains : - Front facing and side facing actors - 30 hand sprites - 6 pairs of eye sprites - 15 mouth sprites Author: ZeuS, 30-01-2022, 12:12 | Views: 2 210 | Comments: 19
This is supplied as a complete Off License Store Scene with Walls, Ceiling and Floor all set up as subprops. Items against walls are attached for quickly and easily hiding. You also get all the single props for adding to the scene or for use in your own projects. Pack includes: 76 Props |
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